1. I. Introduction / II. Overview / III. Data collections and uses IV. Choice and transparency / V. Updates to this noticeI. 

    I. Introduction

When you use The Pet App, you trust us with your personal pet data. We’re committed to keeping that trust. That starts with helping you understand our privacy practices.

This notice describes the personal data we collect, how it’s used and shared, and your choices regarding this data. We recommend that you read this statement which highlights key points about our privacy practices.

Download previous version

II. Overview

A. Scope

This notice applies to users of The Pet Apps services anywhere in the world, including users of The Pet App inc apps, websites, features, or other services.

This notice describes how The Pet App and its affiliates collect and use personal data. This notice applies to all users of our apps, websites, features, or other services anywhere in the world, unless covered by a separate privacy notice. Users: individuals who check into our map based adventure world, including service providers.

  • Service Providers: individuals who provide services to pets  individually or through partner transportation companies
  • Pets: animals who check into dog parks to meet and message friends and request products or services or receive food, clothing, shelter, insurance or health care or other products and services for upload delivery or pick-up

All those subject to this notice are referred to as “users” in this notice.

In addition, please note the following:

For users in CANADA: The Freedom of Information and Protections act, in its role of Regulating Body of Law 25.326, is responsible for receiving complaints and reports presented by any data subjects who believe their rights have been impacted by a violation of the local data protection regulation.


Our practices are subject to applicable laws in the places in which we operate. This means that we engage in the practices described in this notice in a particular country or region only if permitted under the laws of those places. Please contact us here or through the addresses below with any questions regarding our practices in a particular country or region.

III. Data collections and uses


A. The data we collect

The Pet App collects  data: 

  • provided by users to The Pet App, such as during account creation
  • created during use of our services, such as location, app usage, and device data
  • from other sources, such as other users or account owners, business partners, vendors, insurance and financial solution providers, and governance authorities

The following personal data is collected by or on behalf of The Pet APp:

1. Data provided by users. This includes:

  • User profile and checkout information: We collect data when users place orders (including using guest checkout) or create or update their Pet App accounts. This may include their pets name, email, breed, age, sex, profile picture, payment or banking information (including related payment verification information).
  • Demographic data: We may collect demographic data about pets, including through user surveys. In some countries, we may also receive demographic data about users from third parties.

    We may also infer demographic data from other data collected from users. For example, where necessary to enable features that allow breed specific suggestions.

  • Travel information: We collect travel itinerary information, including the pets location in the dog park adventure world to locate treasures and generate adventure outcomes. We collect such information: (i) when users manually input their information into Pet App dog park; or (2) Pets location is turned on to participate in the map based adventure world.2. Data created during use of our services. This includes: 
  • Location data (service provider): We collect drivers’ and service providers’ precise or approximate location data, including to enable rides and deliveries, to enable ride/delivery tracking and safety features, to prevent and detect fraud, and to satisfy legal requirements. The Pet App collects this data when the The Pet App is running in the foreground (app open and on-screen) or background (app open but not on-screen) of their mobile device.
  • Location data (pets and order recipients). We collect pets precise or approximate location data to enable and enhance use of our apps, including to improve services, order pickups, and connections, facilitate deliveries, enable safety features, and prevent and detect fraud. Please see our app description to learn more about this.

    We collect such data from pets’ mobile devices if they enable us to do so. (See “Choice and transparency in app description” below for information on how pets, and order recipients can enable location data collection).

  • Transaction information: We collect transaction information related to the use of our services, including the type of services requested or provided, order details, payment transaction information (such as a restaurant’s or merchant’s name and location and amount of transaction), delivery information, date and time the service was provided, amount charged, distance traveled, and payment method. Additionally, if someone uses your promotion code, we may associate your name with that person.
  • Usage data: We collect data about how users interact with our services. This includes data such as access dates and times, app features or pages viewed, app crashes and other system activity, and type of browser or device.
  • Device data: We may collect data about the devices used to access our services, including the hardware models, device IP address or other unique device identifiers, operating systems and versions, software, preferred languages, advertising identifiers, device motion data, and mobile network data.
  • Communications data: We enable pets to communicate with each other and The Pet App through The Pet App’s mobile apps and websites. For example, we enable service providers and pets, and delivery persons and order recipients, to call, text, or send other files to each other (generally without disclosing their telephone numbers to each other). To provide this service, The Pet app receives some data regarding the calls, texts, or other communications, including the date and time of the communications and the content of the communications. The pet app may also use this data for customer support services (including to resolve disputes between users), for safety and security purposes, to improve our services and features, and for analytics.

2. Data from other sources. These include:

  • The Pet app business partners through which users create or access their Pet App account, such as payment providers, social media services, Veterinarians, point of sale systems, practice management softwares or apps or websites that use Uber’s APIs or whose APIs Uber uses. 
  • The Pet App business partners in connection with debit or credit cards issued by a financial institution in partnership with The Pet App to the extent disclosed in the terms and conditions for the card.
  • insurance, vehicle, or financial services providers for drivers and/or delivery persons
  • partner transportation companies (for drivers or delivery persons who use our services through an account associated with such a company)
  • publicly available sources
  • law enforcement officials, public health officials, and other government authorities

The Pet App may combine the data collected from these sources with other data in its possession.

C. Cookies and third-party technologies

The Pet App and its partners use cookies and other identification technologies on our apps, websites, emails, and online ads for purposes described in this notice, and The Pet App Cookie Notice.

Cookies are small text files that are stored on browsers or devices by websites, apps, online media, and advertisements. Uber uses cookies and similar technologies for purposes such as:

  • authenticating users
  • remembering user preferences and settings
  • determining the popularity of content
  • delivering and measuring the effectiveness of advertising campaigns
  • analyzing site traffic and trends, and generally understanding the online behaviors and interests of people who interact with our services

We may also allow others to provide audience measurement and analytics services for us, to serve advertisements on our behalf across the Internet, and to track and report on the performance of those advertisements. These entities may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs, and other technologies to identify the devices used by visitors to our websites, as well as when they visit other online sites and services.

D. Data sharing and disclosure

Some of The Pet App’s services and features require that we share pet data with other users or at a user’s request. We may also share such data with our affiliates, subsidiaries, and partners, for legal reasons or in connection with claims or disputes.

The Pet App may share pet data:

1. With other pet profiles within the app

This includes sharing:

  • Pets’ first name, age, breed, birthday and rating,
  • Pets’ first name with other pet profiles in the dog park.
  • order recipients’ first name, delivery address, and order information with the restaurant or merchant and, for order deliveries, with the delivery person. We may also share ratings and feedback, or other information to the extent required by law, with the restaurant or merchant and, for order deliveries, the delivery person.
  • for services and delivery persons, we may share data with the pet(s), order recipient(s) and restaurants or merchants, including name and photo; vehicle make, model, color, license plate, and vehicle photo; location (before and during trip); average rating provided by users; total number of trips; period of time since they signed up to be a driver or delivery person; contact information (if permitted by applicable laws); and services or delivery person profile, including compliments and other feedback submitted by past users.

    We also provide riders and order recipients with receipts containing information such as a breakdown of amounts charged, driver or delivery person first name, photo, and route map. We also include other information on those receipts if required by law.

2. At the pets request

This includes sharing data with:

  • Other pets at the pets request. For example, we share a pets ETA and location with a friend when requested by that user, or a pets location within the adventure world.
  • The Pet App business partners. For example, if a user requests a service through a partnership or promotional offering made by a third party, The Pet App  may share certain data with those third parties. This may include, for example, other services, platforms, apps, or websites that integrate with our APIs; Food and shelter suppliers or services; those with an API or service with which we integrate; or restaurants, merchants or other Pet App business partners and their users in connection with promotions, contests, or specialized services.
  • Emergency services: We offer features that enable users to share their data with police, fire, and ambulance services in the event of an emergency or after certain incidents. For more information, please see the sections below titled “Choice and Transparency” and “Emergency Data Sharing”.  

3. With the general public 

Questions or comments from users submitted through public forums such as The Pet App blogs and The Pet App social media pages may be viewable by the public, including any personal data included in the questions or comments submitted by a user.

4. With the Pet App account owner

If a pet requests data from one of the service providers we may share their profile information with the owner of that account. This occurs, for example, when:

  • a pet owner takes obedience classes online.
  • A new pet receives all of his/her vaccines
  • Trip length requests

5 . With The Pet App  service providers and business partners

The Pet App provides personal data to vendors.  These include:

  • payment processors and facilitators
  • background check and identity verification providers
  • cloud storage providers
  • Google, in connection with the use of Google Maps in The Pet app (see Google’s privacy policy for information on their collection and use of data)
  • social media companies, including Facebook and Instagram, in connection with The Pet App’s use of their tools in The Pet Apps and websites (see Facebook’s privacy policies for information on their collection and use of data)
  • Marketing partners and marketing platform providers, including social media advertising services, advertising networks, third-party data providers, and other service providers to reach or better understand our users and measure advertising effectiveness
  • research partners, including those performing surveys or research projects in partnership with The Pet App or on The Pet Apps behalf
  • vendors that assist The Pet App to enhance the safety and security of The Pet APp apps and services
  • consultants, lawyers, accountants, and other professional service providers
  • insurance and financing partners
  • Veterinarians, Insurers, brokers, restaurants, pet stores stores, brew houses, cafes and other merchants from whom order recipients place orders, as well as partners and/or their point of sale providers, including for order fulfillment, delivery, communications and marketing purposes  


6. For legal reasons or in the event of a dispute

The Pet App  may share users’ personal data if we believe it’s required by applicable law, regulation, operating license or agreement, legal process or governmental request, or where the disclosure is otherwise appropriate due to safety or similar concerns.

7. With consent

The Pet App may share a user’s personal data other than as described in this notice if we notify the user and they consent to the sharing.


E. Data retention and deletion

The Pet App retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above.

Users may request deletion of their accounts at any time. The Pet App may retain user data after a deletion request due to legal or regulatory requirements or for reasons stated in this policy.

The Pet APp retains user data for as long as necessary for the purposes described above. This means that we retain different categories of data for different periods of time depending on the type of data, the category of user to whom the data relates, and the purposes for which we collected the data.

IV. Choice and transparency

The Pet App enables users to access and/or control data that The Pet App collects, including through: 

  • privacy settings
  • device permissions
  • in-app ratings pages
  • Location On/off Toggle switch 

A. Privacy settings

The Settings > Privacy menu in the Uber app allows riders and order recipients to set or update their preferences regarding location data collection and sharing, emergency data sharing, and notifications.

  • Location data collection (pets and order recipients)

Pets and order recipients can enable/disable The Pet App to collect location data from their mobile devices through their device settings, which can be accessed via the Settings > Privacy > Location menu.

  • Share Live Location (Pets)

Pets can enable/disable Uber to share their real-time location data from their mobile devices with their drivers through their device settings, which can be accessed via the Settings > Privacy > Location menu.

  • Notifications: account and delivery updates

The Pet App provides pets with worldmap status notifications and updates related to activity on their account. These notifications are a necessary part of using the The Pet App and cannot be disabled. However, users may choose the method by which they receive these notifications through the Settings > Privacy menu.

  • Notifications: discounts and news

Pets may enable The Pet App to send push notifications about discounts and products related to their persona. Push notifications may be enabled or disabled through the Settings > Privacy menus in the The Pet App.

  • Communications from Service Providers and merchants 

Pets may opt-in to receive communications from certain product and service providers while placing an order in the Pet App. Those who opt-in may choose to cease receiving such communications through the Settings > Account > Data Sharing products in the PetApp.

B. In-app Friendliness ratings pages

After every encounter, pets profiles and other pets or service providers are able to rate each other on a Friendliness scale scale from 1 to 10. An average of those ratings is associated with a user’s account and is displayed to other users for whom they provide or receive services. For example, pet ratings are available to other pets and service providers from whom they request products and services, and pet ratings are available to their delivery drivers.

This 2-way system holds everyone accountable for their behavior. Accountability helps create a Happy, respectful, safe environment for drivers and riders.

Pets can see their average rating in their “Friendliness” attribute on their profile page.


  1. Updates to this notice

We may occasionally update this notice. 

We may occasionally update this notice. If we make significant changes, we will notify users in advance of the changes through the The Pet App  or through other means, such as email. We encourage users to periodically review this notice for the latest information on our privacy practices.

Use of our services after an update constitutes consent to the updated notice to the extent permitted by law.