key functionalities include new patient leads and increased healthcare compliance for existing patients

The Pet App is a map based adventure world where pet owners check into dog parks to meet, message and schedule appointments. While participating in the customer life-cycle, pet profiles have the opportunity to gain achievments and rewards by maintaining health care compliance.


100 Pet Profiles Test Pilot


Sample Group of Vet Clinics



Choose Your Vet & Build Your Animal Profile

Based on age and breed to recommend next best health compliance action.

Add your home clinic

Vets pay an agency fee for a listing on our network.

Schedule Appointments

Vet practice icon appears in dog park enabled to book appointments. The Pet App schedules appointments with your chosen home  vet.

The App for new patient leads

The Pet App is an interactive map based messaging platform for healthy pet connections. The app aims to build a healthy enivronment for pet owners to meet and message a like minded community. The apps revenue model is based of generating new patient leads at vet clinics while GAMIFYING  specific compliance related functions associated with the apps health attribute. We are seeking veterinary clinics to participate in our pilot project to launch a virtual clinic franchise in our map based world.

Four Major Patient Personas

Sick Sheltie or Shetland sheepdog with dog cone collar and medicine bottles in the foreground (NOT ISOLATED)

Chronic Illness

Portrait of sick dog with mydriasis symptoms or pupils to dilate that cause blindness for pet healthcare concept

 Senior Pet

a photo of a tiny cute chihuahua

 Event Based

Puppy Beagle in front of white background

 New Pet


Mobile App for new patient leads

The Pet App is an interactive map based messaging platform for healthy pet owners. The app aims to generate new patient leads while GAMIFYING pet health compliance. We are seeking veterinary clinics to participate in our BETA project being produced this semester at the University of Alberta. We aim to create compliance based data models that map the customer journey of your four major patient personas.

Four Major Patient Personas

Chronic Illness

 Senior Pet

 Event Based

 New Pet

Contact Us

If you would like to use our map based adventure world for to take part in establishing new patient profiles 

Choose Your Vet & Build Your Animal Profile

Gamify Health Compliance

Build Your Pack

Meet and Message Friends in a dog park based adveture world and marketplace for pets based on characteristics related to user attributes, interests and locations.

Schedule Appointments

The Pet App automatically schedules calendar appointments with your chosen vet.